A Personal Biblical Perspective on The Coronavirus

For all Teleiogs I have refrained from overly “sermonizing” with reference to the possible Biblical significance of the admittedly “most unprecedented modern crisis” to impact us on a global basis, although I must admit that I was tempted to do so as a Teleios instructor! I have read quite a lot of others who did so, especially focusing on words of assurance, hope, and of course, prophecy, which is very commendable.
However, it seemed that most of those I read focused exclusively on God getting us “through” and “over” the crisis. Little emphasis was placed on present endurance to deal with the “bad times” we are experiencing. Little focus was placed on the possibility that this pandemic was a global judgment upon earthlings for being consumed with self-invented evils that separate us from God and reject His call to include Him in our lives. [Cf. Rom. 1]. Now, remember, these are only my personal observations.
Very little other than in passing remarks was said re who may be the final cause behind the pandemic: God or Satan? Some casual, ad hoc reference was made re God’s sovereignty to the effect that even if He was not the Cause, He nonetheless “allowed” it to happen and will “work it out all for the good of His people.” [ Rom. 8] [Personally, I don’t see the difference between God allowing something to happen and Him causing it to happen! But that’s’ for another more theologically talking/teaching time!].
My point [question] here, is: are we missing a broader picture of God’s dealing with man?
Here are a few thoughts that are coming to mind as I reflect on Jesus’ own teaching.
He referred to “pestilences” being among the signs of what we call “the last days.” [Matt. Lk. 21:11, Mark. 13, etc]. However, what is usually missed here is that he says all of these signs are a part of the overall “birth pangs” principle He cites in His message. In other words, all of the “signs” will be occurring in INCREASING intensity over a period of time, climaxing in “the birth” of THE Great Tribulation,” when, if the time was not shortened, would destroy all of mankind. My point is, “the worst is yet to come,” even pestilences [Lk. 21:11]. Thus, conceivably, a pestilence or virus, will occur in the future which will accurately be described as “never happened before or will happen again” or as so many folk have stated re the Coronavirus: “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!” [See Mat. 24:21,22]
Related to this Hermeneutical Prophetic Principle [ ie. The “Birth Pangs Principle.”] is “the recapitulation Principle.” This states that events are repeated as previews of events of the same kind will occur, often with greater intensity or force; Jacob Prasch describes it as “a prophecy having multiple fulfillments. And each fulfillment, each cycle, teaches something about the ultimate fulfillment. For example: In a famine, Abraham went into Egypt (Genesis 12:10-20). God judged Pharaoh. Abraham and his descendants came out of Egypt, taking the wealth of Egypt with them, and went into the Promised Land. Abraham’s descendants replayed the same experience. In a famine they went into Egypt (Genesis 42). God judged Pharaoh again, a wicked king. Abraham’s descendants came out of Egypt, taking the wealth of Egypt with them (Exodus 12:36), and they went into the Promised Land. What happened to Abraham happened to his descendants.”
The classic example of this principle is also given by Jesus in His prophetic teaching re the “last days.” “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. (Mark 13:14 ESV). This is also known as a double prophecy; a near and a far or an immediate and a remote. It was prophesied by Daniel in Daniel 11 & 12. He referred to both a historical as well as future fulfillment. It involved a historic figure known as the Old Testament Antichrist, Antiochus Epiphanes IV. But its final or ultimate fulfillment will be the New Testament Antichrist, yet to be named, but will do the very things Antiochus did: severely persecuted the Jews, defiled their temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar in the Holy Place and sprinkling its blood all over the temple thus defiling it and preventing worship to occur. He also set up an image of himself and demanded that he be worshiped as a god. The coming Antichrist will do the same thing, but even in a more intensive way. Forces from him shall appear and profane the temple and fortress and shall take away the regular burnt offering. And they shall set up the abomination that makes desolate (Daniel 11:31 ESV)
When we apply this recapitulation principle to the prophecy of Jesus regarding pestilences, we can accurately conclude that the Coronavirus is a preview of what is to take place during the Great Tribulation, pestilences will occur again, but in a greater and more intense way. In fact, in such a way that all will say: “for then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” (Matthew 24:21–22 ESV)
So, Teleiogs, my reason for sharing these “thoughts” with you now is to encourage you to “think theologically” and recall some of the truths you have learned in our Hermeneutics and Theology classes and to remind you that this time of “forced” isolation could be a really great “teachable moment.”
Study well – and THINK about these things! Selah!